Blog - Nathaniel Harrington

Monday, March 22, 2010

Strands and Mn kids.

I wanted to take my friends to one of my favorite beaches here in Dana Point. Strands Beach is at the top off the list.

Viktor and Pat

RP found his wave

pat trying to not get wet.

So proud of the snail he found.

Mr. Crabs

Pat has Crabs!!!

...and RP has ground beef.

We came across a place where a man balanced rocks. We were amused and stopped to watch and learn.


RP and Pat balancing.

Its cool what you can find here. One more thing for us all to enjoy. Thanks Larry Martin.

Strands Beach, Dana Point, Ca.

So stoked to see my bro's here! Its been the best! Were skatin, chillin, and making life happen every day.


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