If you know me, then you probably could guess that these are some of the most exciting photos I've ever posted on my blog because they are among the first surfing images I've had the privilege of shooting with a water housing. From sun up to sun down I was in the water today, loving it.
Maui is so beautiful. Some of these images begin to show that. The waves, the mountains, the water, the sky.. its epic here. Enjoy my take.
justin with a lil cover up.
Waves weren't huge this morning but it was a perfect time to go get some water time in.. and most of the surfers out there were really making the most out of the calm conditions.
jake randall frontside turn off the top.
I ended the day at big beach playing in and shooting the shore break. we took wave storms out and stormed the break, more on that to come... so fun.
I'm tired and off to bed. Goodnight all.