Blog - Nathaniel Harrington

Monday, August 3, 2009

Behind the scenes of the Rome Shoot, Bear Mnt.

The shoot.

Rome's: A Hard Days Night.

Will Lavigne

This past winter I spent most of my time in Big Bear, CA. Photography has never been so real or so fun for me. Towards the end of the season I was asked to help out with the Transworld Team Shootout. I was with Rome. My job was to assist professional photographer Scott Serfas with his lighting and anything else he needed.

It was an awesome experience. It was cool to see how to put together a shoot like that, fix lighting problems, and get creative on the spot. Every night was a new feature and a new challenge for us. Scott really helped me out with understanding how things should be setup and why. I'm stoked to have been able to learn from him.

LNP dropping in on the wall ride.

I was only allowed to shoot very limited action for the reasons that Transworld was every protective on keeping this a secret. I also wasn't allowed to put up behind the scenes till the first issue of the year came out. Now I am stoked to be able to show a few faces from the shoot.

To read more about all and see all the photos go get the first issue of the year from Transworld!

Also a special thanks to the Bear Mnt Park crew. Those guys worked so hard to get stuff done for us. Their all awesome. Just stoked that we brought home the 1st place for them and us!

For more of what Scott Serfas does check out these two sites.



"A Hard Day's Night" TWS Rome SDS Team Shootout Teaser from KIDS ON SHRED PRODUCTIONS on Vimeo.

The SDS Team

Ryan Runke: TM of Rome. He made lists of things to do, and we did it!

How to make fog. He looks like a bandit about to throw a stick of TNT in yo face!

Do Work!

Eiki Helgason and Will Lavigne checking out the step down.

Will Lavigne: Scott snapped this photo.

LNP and team.


Will Lavigne

We had smoke bombs going off for the effect of fog in the movie and pictures. We all had to stand around in this stuff, and it didn't smell good.

Bjorn Leines.

Bjorn and LNP.

Marie-France Roy

I thought this was a pretty stunning sight. The Bear Park crew Blasted this bottom chair life with snow so the riders could hit it.

Eiki and Clayton Shoemaker(Bear Park Crew) working on Eiki's setup.

Below: Eiki, Will, and Marie-France Roy.

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