Blog - Nathaniel Harrington

Friday, September 3, 2010

To cold to return too.

A city that I miss from time to time. Minneapolis, MN. Shot on a very cold night. My tripod snapped in half from freezing.

The 35w bride. The colors on a cold night almost bring warmth.

A view of the dams, lit by the bridge and lights of the most beautiful city in MN.

My uncle's alley. I took a break from sheet rocking the garage and snapped a permanent memory of the simplicity of MN. Makes me so thankful for the palm trees and warm sand.

I remember the week that I shot these photos so well. I was with my good friend Jesse Ostendorf. It was so cold out that night. Something like -30 when we were shooting at the river, and just as cold in the day when I was shooting in the alley. Seeing these photos this evening made me remember MN so well. I am so thankful for the place I am right now. There is no way that I can ever take advantage of Southern California. These images remind me that I need to keep my head down and work hard at the things I am called to do. Work is a blessing from our Father the Creator. What would any of us do with out labor for our hands? I thank the Lord God for all the things He's given me and I constantly need to be reminded to pursue His will for my life and for my photography above all other things. Not a lot of people are going to think that way, but I do, and I'm not even a little bit bummed or ashamed of it.



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