Blog - Nathaniel Harrington

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fishing in the Gulf Stream.

Start of my morning on Saturday. Blake, Austin, and I got to go out fishing on Austin's Dad's boat.
It was sick for sure. I had never gone fishing like that, in about 1,200ft of water, 15 miles off shore, we were using top water baits catching these dolphin fish. 

They're a cool fish. Really awesome when they jet through the water flashing their colors. Bright green in the deep blue. 

Austin with one of his. This is a tiny guy. 
I was informed that a dolphin grows up to 40lbs the first four months of it's life. 

Our catch. 

That is not a bloody cooler. 

Fish Tacos. 

Thanks to Erik and Austin for taking me out on the boat! 


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